Friday, January 25, 2019



This morning I started reading a book recommended by a friend of mine--a man who is a player on the world stage—influencing literally millions. The book is written by a couple of smaller players, but still very big by most comparisions. The authors feel passionately that they have identified the problem with the world today and propose solutions.

But to me, one of the billions of “just regular folks” who read these treatises and try to get something out of them, they seem to be thinking inside of a little box . There is a larger scenario that the box exists within. I have made the outline  of the circle fuzzy to impy that that this larger “context” is limitless. It is out-there/in-there that the answers to all of the problems the authors address actually exists.

The box in the center represents the intellect, which the majority of our most revered men use almost exclusively (Einstein DID use more—but not that much more.) These revered men (some with Rev. in front of their names even!) are the ones with the high IQ’s, lots of letters  after their names, brilliant academic resumes, awards up the wazoo. However, to me they are still functioning  inside that little black box and only occassionally are expanding  the edges a tiny bit.

However, more and more of us regular folks are saying—“This is not enough. There’s an easier way and answer that even the most “un-lettered” among us can get. In fact we all came with the ability to get the  answer, as an installed program.

But there has been so much spam, and distractions that this beautiful simple answer has become lost/buried to many of us.
But many others are stepping out into the blue circle enough to be able to see the big picture and are shoveling aside the garbage we have downloaded, including the viruses. We are unearthing a natural bulb I call “The Answer to Everything.” And when we have found it, and consumed it, it is utterly amazing  to us how esoteric and difficult  we made everything while we were thinking just inside the box—existing inside the box—only using our intellect.

It’s so different from what we have been believing that we sometimes feel like its hard to be that simple! It takes some practice.

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