Thursday, February 7, 2019



Why Does Bad Stuff Happen 

Caveat: I answer the question, "Why does bad stuff happen,"  through a slow build up of ideas in this post. Suggestion: the answer will make more sense if you follow each of the foundational concepts rather than jumping to the end.

"It"  is my name for the negative phenomenon that is infecting not only this world, but also some larger realities surrounding and containing this one--there is at least one larger one that I know of. And I have received information from Inner Sources that suggest "it" has infected many other realities as well. There are innumerable realities within the Universe--not just the one we perceive.

The "IT- phenomenon" is basically one central belief that was concocted by one very high being. Stepping back to explain a bit more let me just say that as one goes up through the layers or levels of reality towards God (All That Is, Great Spirit, Great Mother, The Universe) consciousness becomes more and more refined. It notices finer and finer details of true reality. Now having said "up" I will correct myself, for it is really going "within."

And in consciousness refinement it is invited by its Inner Being--which every consciousness has ad infinitum--to understand this and that, and when it knows enough it sort of naturally graduates to the next Inner Level of refinement of consciousness. There is a transformation. One is still "I" but with a new sense of self at the same time. One has become more....more aware, more conscious...more refined in perception..more refined in understanding...and more capable of both intelligence and LOVE. The last is the biggy.

Now, in my travels through the Inner World, things are often vague and ambiguous. In fact The Great Mother (as I think of God) IS paradox. She easily embraces the truth of seeming opposites and melds them into one truth. And, when we are using our right brain, these paradoxes are easily digestible--understandable. They bring an ah-hah! feeling with them. 

However, since we are living in an "it-Infected Reality" at this time in human "history," we are using only our left-brain much of the time. Our left brain has its own particular polarized eye-glasses that see things in a certain limited way. One of the limitations is that at every moment in human development, we feel like we are at the penultimate of all possible understanding! And we can look back in human history and see many places where we were laboring under all sorts of delusions and limiting beliefs--that we believd were absolutely true! 

And so it is today. We believe we have a really good handle on the nature of reality--we are at or near the penultimate of understanding the nature of all things--but nothing could be further from the truth. In fact we are living in a sort of "Through The Looking Glass" backwards or inside out world. WE are living in the land of opposites. We are, in our origins, Inner Directed Beings. However, under the IT-Infection we have become very outer-directed. The inner world is one made up basically of consciousness shaping energy. That is Quantum Physics.

We use our consciousness much of the time in an outer directed way, and even those who meditate--which is a GREAT first step--still, by and large-- end their session and go back to viewing the world from an "IT-infected" standpoint. However, slowly those who are inner directed for even short periods of time are moving--and helping to move all--towards real TRUTH. The Inner Place consists of spiritual, mental, emotional and psychological phenomenon. The outer world consists of events, physical things, incomplete understanding of human psychology, VERY incomplete understanding of the human body, health and illness, intellectuality, rationality, fear of emotions and anything inner directed.

Part of  the very "new", true, happy paradigm is,  will include understanding the nature of IT, which many call evil, or bad luck, or the worst of human Nature, bum luck, "shit-happens", Cromwellian explanations of why bad stuff happens. It will also include the undertsnading and finding the paradise that is our true destiny.

So this is a new explanation of why bad stuff happens. IT has been infecting the minds of humanity for at least 20, 000 years in the East and 6000 years in the West.

Now this infection by the IT-Condition starts within. Not all that is within is glorious and heavenly. It is that for the most part, by far. BUt their are dark pockets of ignorance lurking here and there and The Great Mother is about cleaning out those dark areas of ignorance.

One of the darkest is when someon--a very high being--decided that what was needed, on Earth Reality and many other places , was a faster way to achieve enlightenment--to move from one level of consciousness to a deeper inner one. He wanted the graduation from one-self to the level of its Inner Being to happen more quickly and easily. This is a highly laudable aim. 

We are all meant to be in conscious awareness of our Inner Being. Many are; they might call it their guides, or their guardian angel, or Jesus or other things, but it is always our Inner Being. Our Inner Being is our hot line to Or Divine Self at the center of our Being. That One Self is shared by all. We all have the same Divine Inner Being at our center. But we have a chain of  individualized Inner  Beings--each withn the last--who have the skinny on what our Divine Self wants for us. 

We dont need to follow their invitations towards our center, but it behooves us to do so. AND there are increasingly unpleasant consequences if we choose to ignore these wise inviations. Many fear that they will lose their independence and individuality, their freedom by accepting these invitations. That is the beginning of the IT-Infection. That's the first really "Off" belief that gets people moving away from who they really want to be--a happy being. Ignorance begins to set in and worse leads to worse.

Well this High Being who thought up the IT-Solution thought he had the best idea ever for bringing people back into the fold--a fold we all want to be in. He thought he had a great idea for a fast-track to enlightenment and linking up with their Inner Beings ...and their Divine Self.

The only problem was, he was bullshitting himself. He undoubtedly heard his Inner Being whisper to him, "Not a great direction." But for his own reasons, he chose to ignore the warning. And Ibelieve I understand why he did that. I'll share my conjectures on why he blew off his Inner Being's advice--and eventually blew off his Inner Being himself/Herself, later.

But first I'll explain what I perceive to be HIS ViSION--his vision for the perfect Universe--the solution to all problems everywhere, the solution to the problem of the general slowness of personal evolution through the planes of reality and spiritual understanding. He felt very strongly that he knew how to bring Beings (human and other wise) along towards their Divine Center faster.

And his solution was...drum roll please...PAIN!

He, being a very High Being could manifest in huge ways, vast ways that echoed down through "time" as it were, and that spread like roots of a a wisdom tree. The thought form he conjured with tremendous energy, enthusiasm and belief in himself, would even be self-transforming so that it could EVOLVE. It could counter any attempts to curtail it. It would be like a computer chess program that could constantly learn from itself and others and constantly refine itself into perfection--an indomitable, eternal program that would solve everything! It would bring everyone to enlightenment and their Divine Center much faster.


It was based on a false major premise...AND it was born of  an impulse that came...NOT FROM HIS INNER BEING...BUT FROM HIS "INTELLECT" as it were. It felt like a brilliant idea, but he didn't check for alignment with his Inner Being...who was saying quietly but strongly...."not wanted! Wrong path." "Let me hlep you see what is truly motivating you." But he ignored all the messages from his Inner Being. He was so jazzed by the beauty and perfection (he thought) of his brilliant scheme.

So this was the first step out of paradise that the biblical story ( a twisted one) alludes to in the tale about Adam and Eve and their ejection from the Garde of Eden.

[to be cont.]